Some of the images, apart from the ones that are our own creation, are taken from the public domain. We do not intend to infringe any copyrights. Just in case of any violation of copyright, it is unintentional and immediate action will be taken on presenting appropriate evidence for the same.
Content Removal Policy
The under mentioned describes the scope of compliance by ‘’ website to the DMCA norms.
If any copyright violations occur, we are committed to responding to it. Any legal formalities regarding the same should be under the guidelines and framework of the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act as revealed at
In case any material violates the copyrights, we may immediately remove the content, or restrict access to it. We have the sole right to terminate access to the controversial material. We may also pass the required information for documentation or for other legal purposes at our discretion.
Not a substitute for any legal document
This notice mentioning DMCA norms are just to ensure that we are transparent and taking all measures and necessary efforts to safeguard everyone’s interest. If you feel offended or cheated by any incident, this document is not a substitute for any legal document. The user, in that case, is advised to seek competent legal assistance immediately.
To speed up the resolution of any problem arising out of copyrights infringement, kindly mail to us at
Follow the steps mentioned below, and provide all relevant information to speed up the resolution process:
STEP 1. Carefully identify the copyrighted material which you feel has been violated by providing the URL.
STEP 2. Also, identify the URL of the web page that is infringing the copyrights of the material listed in Step 1 above.
STEP 3. Provide genuine contact information and any other information that is otherwise important to notify you about the proceedings and also to notify the accused party.
Counter notification
The affected website can issue a counter-notification under sections 512(g) (2) & (3) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and it may become authorized to publish the material again.
The counter notification may be tendered via email, along with an authorized digital signature, on the email address provided on the website. In case the alleged party comes clean, you will be liable for all statutory or common law damages, and any legal charges involved.
This page is subject to modifications as and when required. Information regarding the last update will be available at the bottom of this page. The importance of timely changes and modifications are to safeguard and protect the interests of all the interacting parties. However, there will not be any separate notice of change or modifications into the policies. It is in the best interest of the users to keep a regular check on this page.
In case of any queries regarding our policies or any other matter, or in case you wish to communicate with us, you can email us to the id provided before or also at
NOTE: Please send us CLICKABLE direct links to each publication which contains duplicate matter. We assure you a resolution to your issue at the earliest. However, we request you to allow us a minimum of 2 days to respond after you send an email to us. Kindly, note that if you fail to file a complaint through a proper channel, there are chances of delay in the response as well. Also emailing your complaints to other parties such as Internet Service Provider will not speed up your resolution process and may cause further delay.