Embark on a journey into the world of a hilarious parody of Timati’s song “GQ” by a Siberian college student named Ayal Adamov. Ayal, upon hearing the original rap song that celebrates wealth, luxury, and the high life, decided to create his own version that celebrates the rural life of Yakutia. With the help of some friends and the locals from the village of Namtsy, Ayal created the parody song titled “Мой хотон всегда свеж” (My Cowshed is Fresh).
What makes this parody even more remarkable is that it was recorded entirely in the Yakut language, a language spoken in the Yakutia region of Russia. Despite this, the song became an unexpected hit across Russia, gaining popularity and capturing the attention of many.
The parody video showcases the unique charm and humor of rural life, as Ayal and his friends embrace their surroundings and infuse it with their own creative twist. It’s a lighthearted and entertaining take on the original song, offering a fresh perspective and celebrating the beauty of Yakutia.
With its catchy beats, clever lyrics, and the enthusiastic participation of the locals, “Мой хотон всегда свеж” has become a sensation, highlighting the power of creativity and the ability to find joy in unexpected places.
So sit back, relax, and get ready to enjoy this hilarious parody that has taken Russia by storm. Experience the fusion of rap, humor, and the rural charm of Yakutia in “Мой хотон всегда свеж” and discover why it has become an unlikely hit across the country.
PS: Read more about Adamov’s cowshed rap story at The Siberian Times.