Solar eclipses have long fascinated humans, and we often wonder how they might affect the behavior of animals. In a video by MinuteEarth, Cameron Duke delves into the anecdotal and sometimes contradictory reports of strange animal behavior during eclipses.
One of the challenges in studying this phenomenon is the infrequency of solar eclipses. They occur only about once every 18 months and cover small areas of the planet at a time. As a result, specific locations can go more than a century without experiencing an eclipse, making it difficult to make repeated observations of animal behavior in the same habitat.

Due to these limitations, reports of animal behavior during eclipses can vary and even contradict one another. For example, one study found that black-crowned night herons make anxious noises during an eclipse, while another study suggests they remain silent. These inconsistencies highlight the complexity of understanding how animals truly respond during these celestial events.
However, regardless of scientific observations, humans tend to have expectations and emotions tied to eclipses. We may experience fear, anxiety, excitement, or wonder, and we often project these feelings onto the animal kingdom, hoping that other creatures are sharing in our experience.
While the specific behaviors of animals during eclipses may remain unclear, what is certain is that these celestial events continue to captivate and inspire awe in both humans and the natural world. So, as we anticipate the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, let us observe and appreciate the wonders of nature, while recognizing that the true impact on animal behavior during eclipses remains a subject of ongoing research and speculation.