Monica Carvalho, a Swiss-Portuguese photographer, currently lives in Berlin. Since childhood, she has been enchanted by illusionism and magic tricks. She highly esteems the Surrealists and finds photography to be an endless realm of possibilities for exploration.
Her life transformed when she discovered Adobe Photoshop, which allowed her to merge her photographs with her imagination, and recently, with AI. Her guiding principle is to elevate the significance of everyday life by turning the ordinary into extraordinary.
In autumn 2023, she started an AI project that has since taken her deeper into the captivating world of prompt photography and its creative possibilities. Through self-portraits, she enthusiastically explores the boundaries of absurd realism. The serene appearance of the models sharply contrasts with their surreal clothing and surroundings, creating a humorous composition. This aims to initiate an engaging discussion about the role of AI in art.
More: Instagram h/t: boredpanda