Kitten Gets Almost Eaten By Hawk

The video captures a dramatic incident where a hawk targets a vulnerable kitten, posing a potential threat to its safety. You will witness the intense struggle as the kitten tries to evade the hawk’s grasp and fight for its survival. The video showcases the instinctive and agile movements of the kitten as it manages to escape the hawk’s clutches. This heart-pounding footage highlights the dangers that wildlife can pose to small animals and serves as a reminder of the importance of ensuring their safety. Ultimately, the video ends on a positive note as the kitten manages to evade the hawk and find safety, bringing relief and a sense of triumph.

I was parked in McDonald’s parking lot in LOS ANGELES (Ladera Heights) drinking my coffee and this giant hawk came from nowhere and landed on my windshield. It’s saw my baby kitten from who knows how far away, tried to atrack it through glass and wouldn’t leave even as i drove away through the strip mall. Someone at the home depot nearby saw it on my hood as I was driving it around the strip mall said it was a pigeon hawk but i confirmed its actually a Red Tailed Hawk.

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