The Brandenburger Gate
What would the appearance of the world’s wonders be if their names were misspelled? To explore this interesting question, mossymayn, a Reddit user, fired up Midjourney AI, resulting in absurdly comical outcomes. Which of these destinations would you be most interested in visiting?
More: Reddit
Truckingham Palace
Jellostone National Park
The CN Flower
Thyme Square, NY
The Molden Gate Bridge
Notre Dam
The Hoover Ham
The Wine House
The Empire Steak Building
Fryers Rock
The International Spice Station
The London Mower
The London Fridge
The Sydney Opera Mouse
The Great Shitehouse of Alexandria
The Amazon Brain Forest
The Amazon Pain Forest
The World Train Center
The Statue of Libertea
The Sahara Dessert
The Bolosseum
The Great Barrier Reefer
Anchor Wat
The Acropolice
Judge Mahal
The Great Pyramid of Liza
The Empire Skate Building
The Vampire State Building
Hag Sophia
The Colossus of Roads
The Sahara Dessert
Chris, the Redentor