Koga Shinichi, originally Koga Shinsaku, born in Omuta, Fukuoka, Japan, was a legendary figure in Japanese horror manga. His most famous creation, Eko Eko Azarak (The Wizard of Darkness), captivated audiences in Japan and worldwide. Beginning his horror manga career in 1958, Koga wrote over 45 series, with “Eko Eko Azarak” standing out. Running from 1975 to 1979, it spawned films, TV dramas, and an OVA, telling the tale of Misa, a witch who dispenses brutal justice using black magic. Koga died on March 1, 2018, at 81, after a career spanning five decades that left a lasting impact on the horror genre. Though he has passed, his work continues to inspire and frighten new generations, securing his legacy as a master storyteller and artist in horror manga.