The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) was a multifaceted conflict between the Republicans and Nationalists competing for power over Spain’s government and future. The Republicans, composed of socialist, communist, separatist, anarchist, and republican parties, backed the left-leaning Popular Front government of the Second Spanish Republic. In contrast, the Nationalists, led by General Francisco Franco, formed a coalition of Falangists, monarchists, conservatives, and traditionalists.
The war in Spain encompassed various dimensions, including conflicts between social classes, religions, politics, and ideologies such as dictatorship, democracy, revolution, counterrevolution, fascism, and communism. Ultimately, the Nationalist faction emerged victorious in early 1939 and remained in power until the demise of Franco in November 1975.
The Spanish Civil War sparked intense passion and political division, and numerous atrocities were committed by both sides. In the territories they seized, the Nationalists carried out systematic purges to solidify their future regime, while the Republicans oversaw mass executions in areas under their control, with varying degrees of involvement from local authorities.
The Spanish Civil War was a traumatic conflict that had a lasting impact on Spain and its citizens. It serves as a stark reminder of how entrenched political ideologies can have catastrophic consequences.
1st May – We will attack!, 1937
The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) was a multifaceted conflict between the Republicans and Nationalists competing for power over Spain’s government and future. The Republicans, composed of socialist, communist, separatist, anarchist, and republican parties, backed the left-leaning Popular Front government of the Second Spanish Republic. In contrast, the Nationalists, led by General Francisco Franco, formed a coalition of Falangists, monarchists, conservatives, and traditionalists.
16th February – The flag of Popular Front will be higher than ever, 1937
The war in Spain encompassed various dimensions, including conflicts between social classes, religions, politics, and ideologies such as dictatorship, democracy, revolution, counterrevolution, fascism, and communism. Ultimately, the Nationalist faction emerged victorious in early 1939 and remained in power until the demise of Franco in November 1975.
Central Committee for the battleship Espana, 1937
The Spanish Civil War sparked intense passion and political division, and numerous atrocities were committed by both sides. In the territories they seized, the Nationalists carried out systematic purges to solidify their future regime, while the Republicans oversaw mass executions in areas under their control, with varying degrees of involvement from local authorities.
Defence of Madrid and Catalunya, 1937
The Spanish Civil War was a traumatic conflict that had a lasting impact on Spain and its citizens. It serves as a stark reminder of how entrenched political ideologies can have catastrophic consequences.
Enlist!, 1937
Evacuate Madrid, 1937
FAI Fight for Humanity, 1937
First win the war. Fewer idle words!, 1937
Help Spain, 1937
Help the Hospitals, 1937
Illiteracy blinds your spirit, 1937
Internationalists, unite with Spanish people, 1937
Just one goal – Win the war (UGT), 1937
Our Brave Sailors, 1937
Physical Training Helps You to Fight!, 1937
Popular Front of Madrid, 1937
Read and distribute El Sindicalista (The Syndicalist), the official organ of party, 1937
Regional Federation of the transportation industry – CNT, 1937
She also wants to win the war, 1937
Socialism will forge a new Spain, 1937
Soldiers of the Republic, Attack! 1937
Stay alert!, 1937
Teach Your Comrade to Read, 1937
The claw of the Italian invader, 1937
The flag of victory (Republican Left), 1937
The Generalissimo cartoon, 1937
The Generalissimo cartoon, 1937
The National Youth Alliance – Guarantee of Victory, 1937
The sailors of Kronstadt, 1937
This is fascism, 1937
To win war, help Madrid, 1937
Today more than ever, Victory, 1937
UGT Workers organize competition in the face of war, 1937
Victory is ours!, 1937
Youth Defending the Union, 1937