Fascinating Color Photos Of Marilyn Monroe Entertaining The Troops In Korea

Marilyn Monroe was undoubtedly one of the most iconic Hollywood stars of the 1950s. She was known for her beauty, talent, and charisma, which made her an instant hit among audiences around the world. However, what truly set Marilyn apart from other Hollywood stars was her selflessness and her dedication to entertaining the troops that were fighting for their country’s freedom.

h/t: vintag.es

During the Korea war, Marilyn was voted the number one pin-up girl, and she took her responsibility to entertain the troops very seriously. Despite her deep fear of live performances, she went to great lengths to provide a few hours of joy to over 100,000 homesick servicemen in Korea. Her performances were a mix of singing, dancing, and banter, which delighted the audience and helped them forget about the hardships of war, if only for a little while.

In February 1954, during her honeymoon to Joe DiMaggio, Marilyn decided to drop in on the soldiers in Korea. This was a trip that she would later recall with enormous fondness, a time when she realized she was truly a star. Marilyn arrived in Korea wearing her much-discussed low-cut purple cocktail dress, which she had told newsmen was the only one she brought over that was suitable for the show. She performed her heart out, ignoring her fears and giving the troops a much-needed break from the harsh realities of war. But Marilyn’s dedication to the troops went beyond just performing for them on stage. She also visited soldiers in nearby hospitals, spending time with them and offering words of encouragement. For Marilyn, it was important to show the troops that they were not forgotten and that their sacrifices were appreciated. Her visits were a reminder to the troops that they were not alone, and that they had the support of the American people back home.

In conclusion, Marilyn Monroe was not just a Hollywood star, but a true patriot, who went above and beyond to support the troops during the Korea war. Her performances and visits to soldiers in hospitals brought much-needed joy and comfort to those fighting for their country’s freedom. Marilyn’s selflessness and dedication to the troops will always be remembered as a shining example of what it means to be an American.

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