In Germany, mechanics have created a unique motorcycle called the “Panzerbike”, which holds the title of the world’s largest motorcycle, weighing nearly 4,500 kg (9,920 pounds).
The mechanics have installed a Soviet tank engine in the motorcycle, creating a distinctive and formidable machine.
The Panzerbike is immense and requires a two-person team to operate. One person handles steering the motorcycle, while the other manages the cradle. Although the vehicle is impractical for daily use, it is truly a remarkable spectacle.
The German mechanics created the Panzerbike solely for amusement. This machine showcases human creativity and resourcefulness, demonstrating the boundless potential of imagination.
In Germany, mechanics have created a unique motorcycle called the “Panzerbike”, which holds the title of the world’s largest motorcycle, weighing nearly 4,500 kg (9,920 pounds).
More: Harzer Bikeschmiede
The mechanics have installed a Soviet tank engine in the motorcycle, creating a distinctive and formidable machine.
The Panzerbike is immense and requires a two-person team to operate. One person handles steering the motorcycle, while the other manages the cradle. Although the vehicle is impractical for daily use, it is truly a remarkable spectacle.
The German mechanics created the Panzerbike solely for amusement. This machine showcases human creativity and resourcefulness, demonstrating the boundless potential of imagination.