In Surf & Turf, a mesmerizing series by Adam Goldberg, a colorful interplay emerges between the abstract and the intricate. Each artwork, painted in his signature red and black, follows a mystical design language that emphasizes balance and flow.
Adam’s enchantment extends beyond his creations; he is also a skilled businessman. Alongside Monika Kehrer, his co-partner, he established TRÜF in 2006. Their goal was to create a design studio that combines innovation and approachability, nurturing artistic aspirations. Today, TRÜF commands respect from both small startups and large global corporations.
The key to Adam’s rapid advancement? Maybe it’s his belief that design is a playful melody, a joyful jig, not a somber symphony. In his world, design wears a grin, not a grimace. And this philosophy has resonated with clients and admirers, establishing his name as one of the most thrilling design virtuosos of our time.