The Master’s Pupil: A Hand-Painted Video Game Exploring Monet’s Art

After seven years of diligent work, Australian game developer Pat Naoum released The Masterā€™s Pupil in July of this year. Naoum took a hands-on approach to design by painting the visual assets on paper and then scanning them into the project. He combines the digital images with the acclaimed works of Claude Monet as players explore a distinctive world inspired by the 19th-century artist, journeying through iconic paintings like ā€œImpression, Sunriseā€œ (1872) and ā€œWoman with a Parasolā€ (1875).

The objective of The Master’s Pupil is to assist Monet in completing his paintings. Players control a sprite that navigates through various elements such as twisting vines, still lifes, and landscapes. Along the way, the sprite gains insights into Monet’s life, losses, and deteriorating eyesight. By solving puzzles related to color, physics, and space, players progress through the game, ultimately transforming completed levels into full-fledged Monet paintings.

The indie success is now available on Nintendo Switch and Steam for Windows and Mac.

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