Charlesai, a French doctor and NFT artist, embarked on an AI art journey in 2021. Initially, it served as a coping mechanism for pandemic-related stress, but quickly evolved into a passionate mission.
With the aid of VQGAN + CLIP, he creates distinct artworks that merge medicine and art. His creations have graced prestigious galleries, and he has publicly addressed the ethical quandaries surrounding AI art. He is an audacious and skilled artist who fearlessly ventures into uncharted territories within the realm of art.
More: Instagram, SuperRare, Foundation
“I’m Charlesai, a French doctor and NFT artist. I’ve started making AI art in early 2021 to initially keep my mind off the stress of working ER shifts during covid. I needed something to evacuate the sadness, the frustration, the fear, the not seing the sun for multiples months, from my mind. I’ve always painted, ever since I was a child, but when I discovered AI art with VQGAN + CLIP, I was instantly hooked.”